
There are numerous EFT websites, videos and information on the internet.  The following are among those that have the most comprehensive material from which to learn, study and explore.

EFT Universe   Highly recommended.  This site has the most comprehensive archives of case histories, (past and present), research, audio library and video snippets of EFT at work with a variety of people and issues.

AAMET International  Highly recommended.   A newer library of case histories, scientific information, and innovative approaches. If you want to really learn the basics of EFT,
I strongly recommend that you begin by reading the original EFT manual by Gary Craig (available in bookstores and at or the revised EFT manual below:

Click here for 3 additional videos from various perspectives, including a short live session; and information about the 5th Tapping World Summit, a free online event beginning February 4, 2013.  Informative and worth watching.  (also on About EFT page.)


Here is a 7 minute introduction to EFT- highly recommended to get a sense of some of the possibilities using this cutting-edge process:
EFT Intro
from David MacKay on Vimeo. (This is the same video that is on the EFT page).

Teachers, parents and curious others:
Check out this 10-minute video of a classroom application of EFT:
Classroom EFT




